Category: One City…
One City… Chicago / part three

One city, done three ways. I want to give you a chance to visit a location, with a plan, to get you started on your trip, catered to you and your families interests. Each month, a new city, done three ways. The “ways” might change depending on the time of year or the location, but will follow a similar formula for each city.
This month, Chicago is done for the foodie family, the outdoors family and the cultural family, broken up over three guides.

The Culture/ Arts Family:
Public – clean lines, soft palette and beautiful views, make this hotel a dream to any design lover.
Eat/Snack: *These restaurants are suggested because of the design and food. They might not be the best places for kids, unlike places in other Field Trip guides. My suggestion is to know your child – if they are great in restaurants, I wouldn’t worry. But if you aren’t sure how they will be, I would suggest calling ahead and ask the restaurant the slowest time or their thoughts on bringing a child. Maybe hire a babysitter for the night. Or you could get take out. Check out the decor while you wait for your food. That’s what we do a lot. Sure, we don’t get the same experience, but at least we get to see the place, try to food and don’t have to worry about ruining anyone else’s meal, by having our child along.
Frank Lloyd Wright Studio – (best for 8+ and no strollers)
Chicago Architecture Foundation – (boat tour is best for 7+, but not restricted if younger)