Read: Ten Magazines For Kids & Teens

I am a magazine junkie! I have been subscribing to magazines since I was in first grade when I use to get Highlights. Then I moved on to Ranger Rick, Cricket, Sunset (I still subscribe to this one), and so on…

Not much has changed and I still have about seven or eight subscriptions. Since Tom was born, I’ve been so impressed with all the amazing child based art and design magazines available for kids. I’ve rounded up my favorite ten that are packed with stories and activities to keep your children active and engaged all summer long. We subscribe to several on this list as well and I’m starting to think they are as much for me as they are for him.


From left to right: AnorakIllustoria /  Dear Lois /  Honest History / Little U /   Lunch Lady / Dot. / Kazoo / Bravery / Teen Breathe /

What are some of your favorite magazines for kids?